Crispy Broccoli Bite Wraps


1 smaller-sized broccoli / 15-20 broccoli florets

1 cup corn starch or all-purpose flour (125g)

½ tsp salt

½ tsp baking powder

spices of choice (I added ½ tsp of each: paprika, dried herbs, tajine spice mix + ¼ tsp chili powder)

1 cup non-dairy milk (250ml)

⅓ cup bbq sauce (80ml)

1 cup of bread crumbs. (~110g)

Add it to the bowl in 2 batches. Add more if needed.

Serve with some dipping sauce, like hummus sauce, vegan sour cream, marinara sauce, vegan mayo ...

For the wraps:





unsweetened vegan soy yogurt or vegan cream cheese/sour cream

sriracha mayo

serves 2-4, depending on if you choose to make wraps or only serve the bites as a snack/meal